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I wanna stay, pleeaassee!

Well, we’ve been in the Philippines for 27 out 35 days. We’ve been through Manila, spent 6 days in Dumaguete, a long weekend in Oslob,...

Opening the Next Chapter

On Monday March 19th, 2018 it became official, I'm now a broken old retired fart! Depending on who you talk to the broken and old part...

The Art of Giving

When you give with an open heart and you will not wait for an exchange nor a return from whoever you gave. Growing up, I saw how my...

An interesting start to a new year

I just realized that it’s been awhile since the last update here. Well Christmas came and went and Cindy and I enjoyed spending time with...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I just realized it's been a little over a week since my last update. Last weekend was pretty exciting for Cindy, she got officiate at her...

Purpose... finding your purpose?

Finding your purpose? It made me think and pause for few minutes thinking what is really my true purpose in life. It’s a great question...

New Beginnings

All things need to start somewhere Cindy and I have decided to begin doing this. In many ways this is both stepping out of our comfort...

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