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Writer's pictureCindy(ding)

Purpose... finding your purpose?

Updated: Jul 27, 2020

Finding your purpose? It made me think and pause for few minutes thinking what is really my true purpose in life. It’s a great question to ask to yourself and myself. Why I’m here in this world and what’s my purpose. Do I just live be a selfish human being or as selfless human being. Growing up as a middle child I feel contented because of all the love, hope and faith from my family was my inspiration and motivation. My siblings helped each other, help my parents in our

small business... until one day, it just changes everything.

Sometimes all you want is to have a quiet time to reflect on what you really want in your life.

Life is interesting and full of stress,

something when you get used to it, it become a norm and you just reacts naturally. But what do you really want to accomplish in your life? Is it fame, career, promotion or just simple victorious that you will always cherish and grateful?

As I walk, run and reflect every morning I become more aware of the Presence of my Savior Father. Life is hard when you think, and you think the whole world on your shoulder, but Life is easy when you put God in the center of your life. It’s amazing, how God works in my life and HE directs and helps me follow what I like and what’s my passion is all about and i know I become a writer on my own story and still chasing my dreams, but I know my Heavenly Father already answered all my prayers. I had a funny experience in 2016 of August, it’s all began when one of our deaf friend and her husband let them babysit their deaf dog and one day when I and my husband open the door, "boom" Sage is the dog’s name ran away as fast as she could. Ah, it took us over 1 hour and half to find her. And she runs so far and so fast, and I tried to run as fast as I could as well. That's my realization that I need to run again. Up so this point I’m running a baby step. Start from small step , but I made a declaration the I will run 10k and yes, I will just have finished my 10k ran last November 25, 2017 and now I’m working and pursuing my run for half marathon by this coming Spring 2018, that’s a huge leap but I have faith in God that HE will guide me because I believe all things are possible in HIM. I remember that I made a huge mistake that almost ruin my life but thankful I surrender everything it to my Almighty Father. And HE helped start all over again and see the bright see.

As a middle child, a sister, a daughter and a wife realizing that a lot happens in one day, it might be work, volunteer works, studies and its all about managing your time with everything. I could only live once, and I will treasure it and be surrounded with the people I love. Finding your purpose could be hard but start finding what your really want and what’s in your heart.

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